Men in our society are hurting. They are struggling with rage they don’t
understand. There is pressure from all sides: their families, their jobs or
unemployment, a culture that says they have to be tough and never admit
weakness. They are supposed to be in control, but what happens when they are faced with crises they can’t control?
Far too many men can’t handle it. They have never been given the tools. They have never benefited from the wisdom of stable, present fathers. As adults, even if they are married, employed, or have buddies, they feel alone. They long for something that is missing, but can’t express it. But, they do feel rage. RAGEWorks invites them to change their lives for the better.
A Nation In CRISIS:
Who doesn’t know of at least one man who has seriously struggled with rage and all the pain that comes with it?
These men are not isolated cases and they are losing the battle. We see the results in the news, on the streets, and, most tragically, in the next generation. When we consider the national rates of addiction, violence, and suicide, the need to build RAGEWorks programs to full capacity becomes all the more urgent. (LEARN MORE)
There is no magic key. But whatever a man is going through there is another man who has gone through the same and faced the challenge without resorting to destructive behaviors.
Our most powerful tool is to provide him with local resources and a safe place to talk and begin to identify what is really going on in his life – the root cause that has led to his anger and rage.
• Over half of all suicides are men ages 25 - 65.
• In 2011, 80.4% persons arrested were men.
• Average debt by US male gamblers is $55,000 - $90,000.
• A Journal of Abnormal Psychology study shows men more likely to externalize emotions leading to aggresive, impulsive or coercive behaviors.
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